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Land Webinar | Resilient Landscapes for Sustainable Trade and Development

14 Mar 2023, 14:00 (CET)

Sustainable Landscapes, Local to Global, Value Chains, Green Growth, Territorial Development, Enabling Factors, Knowledge Gaps
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Welcome from the Chair

3rd Land Webinar

Resilient Landscapes for Sustainable Trade and Development

Welcome all! We have organized this webinar to bring together researchers and practitioners in the fields of value chain, rural development and nature conservation with particular focus on tropical landscapes and to discuss with them the importance of enhancing the resilience of landscapes in order to ensure sustainable trade and development. This is also the topic of the special issue on “resilient landscapes for sustainable trade and development” of the “land” journal. We are grateful to the managing editors of this journal for their support in organizing this webinar. We have invited speakers to share what we know already about applying landscape approaches for sustainable trade and development, how this is being practiced in different tropical countries, and what they perceive to be the major challenges and knowledge gaps to improve and scale implementation of such approaches. We will invite participants to contribute their perspectives from research and practice. After a brief answer and question session (please provide your questions through the Q&A button on your device) we will summarize the main knowledge gaps and invite researchers in the audience and beyond to submit research manuscripts to this special issue, that contribute to filling those gaps.

Date: 14 March 2023

Time: 2:00 pm CET | 8:00 am EST | 9:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 896 7521 0825

Webinar Secretariat:


Tropenbos International, The Netherlands

Bas Louman is program coordinator at Tropenbos International, a Dutch NGO aiming to make knowledge work for forests and people. He specializes in forest management within tropical landscapes, and its interactions with climate. He worked and lived for 20 years in Costa Rica as forest management and climate specialist for the Tropical Agricultural Center for Research and Higher Education (CATIE), seven years of which he coordinated their climate change and watershed management group. As trainer, advisor and researcher he worked with communities, government officers and companies, aiming to make their use of the forests more sustainable and resilient to climate change. Since 2018 he is working at Tropenbos International on innovative financial instruments and collaborative mechanisms in support of inclusive integrated landscape management.

Invited Speakers

EcoAgriculture Partners, USA

Dr. Sara J. Scherr, an agricultural and resource economist, is a prominent voice globally in promoting the restoration of degraded lands. She founded the nonprofit EcoAgriculture Partners in 2002 to promote locally-led agricultural landscape transformation for food security, rural livelihoods and ecosystem services. A leading innovator in agricultural landscape analysis, planning, policy and finance, she has supported landscape partnerships in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the U.S. and advised landscape programs worldwide. In 2011, she co-founded the global network “Landscapes for People, Food and Nature,” and in 2019 launched and now chairs the global collaborative “1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People'' to accelerate landscape regeneration worldwide. She serves on several nonprofit, editorial and advisory boards, and her research is widely published in scientific and policy literature. She previously served as director of ecosystem services at the nonprofit Forest Trends, senior researcher at the International Food Policy Research Institute, adjunct professor at the University of Maryland, and principal researcher and later board member of the World Agroforestry Centre. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in international economics and development from Cornell University and her B.A. in economics from Wellesley College.

Research component Governance, Equity, and Wellbeing within the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Indonesia

James Reed is a researcher at The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), within the research component of Governance, Equity, and Wellbeing (GEW). James’ current research is focused on strategies that seek to reconcile conservation and development objectives in the tropics. He recently led CIFOR and partner’s review of integrated landscape approaches in the tropics that charted the development of landscape approach theory and identified where, and how effectively, such initiatives have been implemented. He is currently coordinating the CIFOR research program on operationalizing integrated landscape approaches (COLANDS) in Ghana, Zambia and Indonesia

EcoAgriculture Partners, USA

Seth is Managing Director of EcoAgriculture Partners, directs the organization’s work promoting finance for integrated landscape management, and leads the Finance Solutions Design Team of the 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People initiative. Seth has been a leading innovator in the fields of landscape finance and policy as the author of field-building publications and tools and through technical support for landscape partnerships. He is also an experienced presenter, trainer, curriculum developer and workshop facilitator

Vietnam Landscape/Coffee Program Coordinator at IDH

Mai Pham is Vietnam Landscape/Coffee Program Coordinator at IDH, an organization that works with businesses, financiers, governments and civil society to realize sustainable trade in global value chains. She spent the last 8 years with IDH as a convener of private and public sector to develop sustainable agriculture supply chains, such as aquaculture, tea and coffee across different regions in Vietnam. Currently, she is COORDINATING the Central Highlands program to scale up the landscape approach from the successful pilots in Dak Lak and Lam Dong’s districts, to the provincial and regional level, covering up to 40% of the Vietnam coffee and intercrops area by 2025.

Verstegen Spices, Indonesia

Evert-Jan Verschuren is active as program manager for Verstegen Spices in Asia and has 14 years of experience in the international Spice Industry. The first 5 years he operated from the Verstegen Head Quarters in Europe and since 2013 he is based out of Indonesia. In Asia he is an expert in developing sustainable supply chains by bringing the right partners together. Over the years he has managed projects from Good Agricultural Practices to Climate Smart and Regenerative agriculture. Developed a project with the use of a distributed ledger like Blockchain to record farm transactions. Developed a service for farmers in Indonesia based on geospatial and satellite data. Did research in ‘true price” costing, living income data collection and micro finance. He is currently developing a multistakeholder supply chain with different multinationals. Prior to his role at Verstegen he worked at Lloyds Register of Quality Assurance as lead Assessor in the food industry in Europe.

Program and Platforms, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Italy

Director of Program and Platforms, and Director in charge of Latin America at CIFOR-ICRAF, and formerly Director of the CGIAR Research program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). Ancient Alumni of Ecole Polytechnique and of the French national school for water, forestry, and rural engineering, he holds a PhD from AgroParisTech, on land-use and global climate policies, that was awarded the « Le Monde » Prize of academic research. He has a background in Earth sciences and natural resource and development economics. Vincent Gitz worked in research for CIRED, CIRAD and CIFOR; and in policy-making for the French ministry of agriculture and forests as adviser of minister Michel Barnier (2007-2009) and as assistant-director for food policy (2016). He served in FAO as coordinator of the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE), the science-policy interface of United Nation’s Committee on World Food Security (CFS). He has published in the areas of climate change and sustainable development, food security and nutrition, land-use, agriculture and forestry, natural resource management, landscape finance; and coordinated the realization of several global reports, including 9 reports of the HLPE



Time in CET

Chair Dr. Bas Louman

Introduction: objective and set-up of the webinar

2:00 - 2:10 pm

Dr. Sara Scherr

What We Know About Implementing Landscape Approaches to Advance Sustainable Economic Development

2:10 - 2:20 pm

Dr. James Reed

How to Ensure that Local Perceptions of Needs Meet Global Objectives

2:20 – 2:25 pm

Mr. Seth Shames

Aligning Finance to Local Needs and Global Objectives

2:25 – 2:30 pm

Ms. Pham Thanh Mai

The IDH Experience in Viet Nam: Creating Impact Beyond One Single Value Chain

2:30 – 2:35 pm

Mr. Evert Jan Verschuren

Verstegen Spices Asia, Landscape/ Multistakeholder / Agroforestry / Regenerative Agriculture

2:40 – 2:45 pm


Each of speakers 2-5 will be asked a guiding question to highlight one major challenge encountered in their work and to define one priority topic for further research that would allow their work to increase resilience and enhance development and conservation in the landscapes they work in

2:45 – 3:05 pm

Q&A audience

3:05 – 3:20 pm

Dr. Vincent Gitz

What allows a landscape approach to link local needs to global objectives, and what knowledge gaps remain to facilitate this?

3:20 – 3:30 pm

Relevant SI

Resilient Landscapes for Sustainable Trade and Development
Guest Editors: Dr. Bas Louman, Dr. Sara Scherr & Dr. Vincent Gitz
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 3 July 2023

Sponsors and Partners


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